Who is ADM Rickover’s running mate?

ADM Rickover has never played well with others, but understands the necessity of having a primary lackey to boss around to increase his efficiency as God Emperor POTUS. His running mate will be decided through an electoral campaign in which all active duty United States nuclear ships will send one delegate to vote on a candidate of their choosing (ECD TBD)

Isn’t ADM Rickover dead?

This is a verifiable true statement. ADM Rickover has elected to return to the mortal realm after seeing the sorry state American politics has devolved into ever since he was forced into retirement. This may all be a ploy to get revenge on Secretary Lehman and President Reagan. We’re not sure, but we’re ready to find out.

Are all of the policy positions just making the government function like the Naval Nuclear Power Program?

About 99% of them, yes.

What is ADM Rickover’s opinion on “x”?

Good question! What is ADM Rickover’s opinion on “x”? I don’t know right this moment, but I’ll look it up for you. Send your question in the form below and we’ll address it (maybe)!

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