WASHINGTON, D.C. (SPG) – The Rickover Campaign has yet to comment on the leaked Engineering Officer of the Watch Logs in which ADM Rickover, the Nuclear Party’s 124-year-old candidate for president, made several unprofessional and procedurally non-compliant comments about his operation of the Reactor Plant Control Panel in an unidentified Maneuvering room.
These remarks also recurred during an Nuclear Officer Ascension Interview conducted several month’s before the Admiral’s forced retirement.
The Admiral is heard to have bragged about his ability to violate the orders of the EOOW and bypass the on-watch Reactor Operator and operate the RPCP, seemingly at will.
“I moved on [the RPCP] like an on-watch Reactor Operator. But I couldn’t get there. The EOOW stopped me. Then all of sudden I see the panel, - it’s got big shiny screens and everything. It's totally changed its look… Yeah, that’s the RPCP with the Type II screens. You know I’m automatically attracted to digital panels – I just start operating them. It’s like an immediate action. Just operate. I don’t even wait for orders from the EOOW. And when you’re an Admiral, they let you do it. You can Operate anything.”
The EOOW Logs end with Rickover declaring “Grab the RPCP by the Shim Switch. You can do anything.”
While this conversation mentions explicitly the RPCP, there have been serious allegations from a variety of maneuvering and engine room watch standers that Admiral Rickover routinely operated other panels and equipment at will, including the EPCP and CAMS, without direct orders from the EOOW or the OOD.
It’s unclear if these remarks will have a sizable impact on the Admiral’s re-election bid. The Admiral, no stranger to controversy, has survived similar statements in the past, once calling former president and nuclear submarine officer Jimmy Carter a “f-cking NUB” while at the same time stating “I like my boats to be named after people who didn’t have a protective action.”
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