This page, right here, is the most important part of this entire site. It has been a real pleasure putting all of this media together, but it all comes down to this boring page of text right here.
The very foundation of our democracy is not predicated on some particular religion or cultural norm. Democracy doesn’t work because we star-spangled spew it into existence. Democracy only works when We the People come together and cast our ballots with the hope of forming a more perfect union.
All jokes aside, this election might be the most important one of our lifetimes. The representatives and President sworn in next year will be presiding over some of the most challenging times our nation has faced in the 21st century. It is up to all of us to ensure the right people are in office to do the job. If there was ever a time to sit down and make a plan to cast your ballot, it’s now.
When you’re ready to cast that ballot, CLICK HERE to see what is required in your state to register. It doesn’t matter if you buy a single thing from this website. Just go out and do your civic duty. That’s plenty enough.
Additionally, if you are still an active service member, check out the Federal Voting Assistance Program to get help with absentee ballot voting.